43. Happy Birthday to Me.

What is meant to be, will be. Period.

I’ve said it before. It’s nothing new. But I still believe it to be true.

What is meant to be, will be. Nothing can stop it!

What am I talking about?

I’m not going to explain it any better than I did in a past podcast:

Confessions of a freak-geek-misfit and time agent in exile.

Thanks for stopping by and, thank you, for being a joy and inspiration in my life.

Stan Faryna
22 October 2012
Bucharest, Romania

19 Responses to 43. Happy Birthday to Me.

  1. Happy birthday, Stan! Is your birthday today Romanian time or US time? I’m thinking I’m wishing you a happy birthday tomorrow which is very cool!

    Hope it’s a great one, my friend!

  2. Mihai Taha says:

    Happy birthday, dear President 🙂

  3. Betsy Cross says:

    Yay! Happy Birthday. Loved the Podcast. Always inspiring!

  4. Hey Stan, I don’t come by here enough but I am here now. Happy Birthday sir! Enjoy. How does one celebrate in Bucharest?

  5. Hey Stan!

    Wishing you a very Happy Birthday and all the very best ALWAYS. 🙂 I just knew I had to stop by today, which I’ve been wanting to do for long. Guess there’s always a reason for doing what we do. 🙂

    All the happiness 🙂

  6. happy bday Stan the man even though I’m off the grid this week…:).

    Have a good one sir.

  7. TheJackB says:

    Welcome to 43- you are a prime again. Hope it was a great birthday.

    • Stan Faryna says:

      Thank you, Jack.

      It was a good day. Even had myself a 12 ounce USDA Prime Ribeye here in Bucharest- not to mention the French champagne, swiss chocolates, and Starbucks venti latte. It would have been perfect if I had been able to spend some time with my son.

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