Time is the one thing we don’t have, online.

February 24, 2006

Five cents buys you this in Bablion:

A worthwhile online investment will be more than the annual cost of your telephone book ad. It will be more than the cost of a great website. It will be more than the cost of a great website, quarterly online advertising campaigns, and the technical support to keep it holding together.

If you truly intend to move products and services through online engagement, you will also have to include the cost on ongoing content development by professional online content developers (in house or outsourced).



Moving Product or Services by Online Engagement

Online engagement must be created with intention and sustained with persistent effort over the long term; it rarely happens effortlessly, quickly and overnight. If customer experience is right, the research is solid, and the offer is interesting, it is possible to move product or services faster by online engagement than by more traditional off line outlets and distributors.

We have all seen how people and companies came online in the late 90’s with a big idea and failed for lack of follow up and online follow through. Corporate websites for big companies are the best example of this kind of failure of engagement, but blogs, microsites and script kiddie ventures tend to have the same problem.

Though most know that relevant online information and customer-experience interactions effect both urgent purchase decisions and educated decisions that operate over time, it seems difficult for many to understand that online engagement doesn’t usually happen once or by a single effort- even if heroic or grandiose.
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