#BlogSoup 29.08.14 @adamcroft83 @BetsyKCross @dancristo @RankMagic @KDillabough @TheRealS0s @RealCapaldi

August 29, 2014

#BlogSoup 29.08.14 @adamcroft83 @BetsyKCross @dancristo @RankMagic @KDillabough @TheRealS0s @RealCapaldi

This is a repost of the post I posted a few hours ago as something blew up on my blog and I have no idea what it was. All I know is that the post failed to get picked up by Triberr and some other distribution services. If you received two notices of this blog post, I humbly ask for your forgiveness and patience.

by Stan Faryna

Stan Faryna

Blog Soup

If you don’t know about the epics of blog soup, a deliciously OP (Over Powered) explanation follows.

The comments below represent comments that I posted and those that failed to post to the websites, blogs, videos and streams that I visited. On occasion, they may represent Tweets, Replies, or Comments made on Facebook and other Social Media networks. Not everyone will appreciate the comments made to their post (I rarely suck up, brown nose or gush), but hopefully they’ll forgive me any offense (real or imagined) and they should love the rank-link juice to blog and Twitter. This is not a noob’s blog and some have even said that my seo game is fierce as it is sweet.

For better or worse, curation, conversation, intelligence, humanity, curiosity, intense value and cunning are at the heart of social. If you can’t bring three out of seven, social is going to be a casual experience for you. Blog Soup is a exercise in both social savvy and social media DOH. You can learn from it. You are free to imitate the format and steal the title for your own purposes and ambitions. Hat tips to me would be appreciated but they are not necessary. The words in my blog soup are copyright by me. Just email me if you want to use my blog soup on your own blog.
Feel free to recommend a post or other kind of illuminating share to me. For inclusion in my blog soup. Do not recommend your own stuff unless you are doing awesome, epic or legendary things that will amaze me. Or if no one knows who you are AND you have important ideas to share with the world. Because I do have a heart. My email is stan.faryna@gmail.com.
Stan Faryna
Luna Moth 3 Faryna May 2014

Got Arts?

A blog post about how to get art for your book.

Author Adam Croft writes about Authors’ need for artwork. Self-publishing authors – even more so. Beyond cover art, there is need for art work to illustrate your social media messages and online marketing campaigns for Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and beyond.

My comment

The game has certainly changed and there is need for good artwork. Not just for covers, but also for social media and online marketing campaigns. Unfortunately, good artwork is rarely cheap or easy to get.As some of you know, I’ve been working on the cover art for my WIP and future marketing campaigns.Below is the 10th revision of one of four design theme drafts. And there is many more drafts ahead.
Love and Fear Book Cover 2.11
The work goes beyond the capacity of a young design professional.
Below is a sketch of George, one of the characters from the story that would be used in my online campaigns. It remains to be colorized.



The young design professional is not likely to be of much help for you. Sure, they can come up with a little something something. Likewise, the affordable foreign designer with some experience is going to have problems if they can’t read, feel and understand your book.Will the artwork sell the book?You can pay five to twenty bucks on fiverr for a book cover design. And you can try out 20 gigs on fiverr ( that can be a horribly expensive lost cause), but are you prepared to provide the commercial marketing and design direction to that so-called  “design professional”?You need someone with experience and someone whose designs have been successful. That’s going to cost $1,000 just for a cover – if you are lucky. A successful publisher will pay several thousand for a decent cover and not just because they like spending money. And, yeah, the professional book designer still has to read the book. [grin]The artwork is not necessarily about what makes you happy. The artwork is about what sells.This is not impossible. Chin up.

Read the rest of this entry »

#BlogSoup 29.08.14 @adamcroft83 @BetsyKCross @dancristo @RankMagic @KDillabough @TheRealS0s @RealCapaldi

August 29, 2014

#BlogSoup 29.08.14 @adamcroft83 @BetsyKCross @dancristo @RankMagic @KDillabough @TheRealS0s @RealCapaldi 

by Stan Faryna

Stan Faryna

Blog Soup

If you don’t know about the epics of blog soup, a deliciously OP (Over Powered) explanation follows.

The comments below represent comments that I posted and those that failed to post to the websites, blogs, videos and streams that I visited. On occasion, they may represent Tweets, Replies, or Comments made on Facebook and other Social Media networks. Not everyone will appreciate the comments made to their post (I rarely suck up, brown nose or gush), but hopefully they’ll forgive me any offense (real or imagined) and they should love the rank-link juice to blog and Twitter. This is not a noob’s blog and some have even said that my seo game is fierce as it is sweet.

For better or worse, curation, conversation, intelligence, humanity, curiosity, intense value and cunning are at the heart of social. If you can’t bring three out of seven, social is going to be a casual experience for you. Blog Soup is a exercise in both social savvy and social media DOH. You can learn from it. You are free to imitate the format and steal the title for your own purposes and ambitions. Hat tips to me would be appreciated but they are not necessary. The words in my blog soup are copyright by me. Just email me if you want to use my blog soup on your own blog.
Feel free to recommend a post or other kind of share to me. For inclusion in my blog soup. Do not recommend your own stuff unless you are doing awesome, epic or legendary things that will amaze me. Or if no one knows who you are AND you have important things to share with the world. Because I do have a heart. My email is stan.faryna@gmail.com.
Stan Faryna
Luna Moth 3 Faryna May 2014

Got Arts?

A blog post about how to get art for your book.

Author Adam Croft writes about Authors’ need for artwork. Self-publishing authors – even more so. Beyond cover art, there is need for art work to illustrate your social media messages and online marketing campaigns for Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and beyond.

My comment

The game has certainly changed and there is need for good artwork. Not just for covers, but also for social media and online marketing campaigns. Unfortunately, good artwork is rarely cheap or easy to get.As some of you know, I’ve been working on the cover art for my WIP and future marketing campaigns.Below is the 10th revision of one of four design theme drafts. And there is many more drafts ahead.
Love and Fear Book Cover 2.11
The work goes beyond the capacity of a young design professional.
Below is a sketch of George, one of the characters from the story that would be used in my online campaigns. It remains to be colorized.



The young design professional is not likely to be of much help for you. Sure, they can come up with a little something something. Likewise, the affordable foreign designer with some experience is going to have problems if they can’t read, feel and understand your book.Will the artwork sell the book?You can pay five to twenty bucks on fiverr for a book cover design. And you can try out 20 gigs on fiverr ( that can be a horribly expensive lost cause), but are you prepared to provide the commercial marketing and design direction to that so-called  “design professional”?You need someone with experience and someone whose designs have been successful. That’s going to cost $1,000 just for a cover – if you are lucky. A successful publisher will pay several thousand for a decent cover and not just because they like spending money. And, yeah, the professional book designer still has to read the book. [grin]The artwork is not necessarily about what makes you happy. The artwork is about what sells.This is not impossible. Chin up.

Read the rest of this entry »

#BlogSoup Reboot 22.08.14 @AdrienneSmith40 @berget @yogizilla @ce_kilgore @snowglobeman

August 23, 2014

#BlogSoup Reboot 22.08.14 @AdrienneSmith40 @berget @yogizilla @ce_kilgore @snowglobeman

by Stan Faryna

Stan Faryna

Blog Soup

Some may remember the much celebrated blog soup which I had retired some years ago in the naïve hopes that others would take up the torch and advance blogosphere and social media for sake of our humanity and dignity.

None did. That bummed me out.

If you don’t know about the epics of blog soup, a deliciously OP (Over Powered) explanation follows.
The comments below represent comments that I posted and those that failed to post to the websites and blogs that I visited. On occasion, they may represent Tweets, Replies, or Comments made on Facebook and other Social Media networks. Not everyone will appreciate the comments made to their post (I rarely suck up, brown nose or gush), but hopefully they’ll forgive me any offense (real or imagined) and they should love the serious link juice to blog and Twitter. This is not a noob’s blog.
I art one blogger who is-has serious histories and algorithms.
Luna Moth 3 Faryna May 2014
Without further ado…

Thank you for stealing my identity


Adrienne Smith writes about how spammers are using your identity to create back links. And sometimes, they forget to back link! Silly bots – tricks are for kids.

My comment

My heart goes out to you, Adrienne.

Spam is getting interesting, indeed.

The consequence of identity theft in this regard is typically unintentional. But even unintended consequences remain consequential – especially for the victims of identity theft. This kind of black hat activity, however, will only increase. Such is our dilemma.
Your prolific comments actually single you out as a preferable identity to use for black hat seo purposes. They hope that use of your identity will increase the value of the back link, discourage back link deletion and get past spam detection.One way you can make your identity a nuisance to spambots is by contacting the businesses/persons at the links and let them know that you hold them responsible for their sinister seo practices and that you will seek damages against them for their fraudulent use of your good name and reputation. If you are lucky, they will apologize and fire their trollish seo people.
If the business is unsympathetic, the next step involves a blog post and a lawyer. And it may involve a lawyer in the local region of that business. Such is the internets. With much benefit, there is much cost.

What’s right? What’s wrong? What can people get away with.

This is the unhappy conclusion of a world that celebrates moral relativity. Sometimes, things work your way. Sometimes, they don’t. But I wish it were otherwise. I would rather we were all led by Christ and that we acknowledged and repented of our own wickedness and all the wickedness of the world.

The Trial


Thomas Snow writes beautifully here. And that is no exaggeration.

My comment

Beautiful. Wonderful. THIS makes me feel alive. Thank you!

How do you measure success on Facebook?

[note: site is under new and untrusted management]

Jens-Petter Berget solicits opinions from social media pros on how they are measuring success on Facebook.

Update: Link has been removed in 2017 as Jens’ website seems to have gone spammy and rogue.

My comment

The cost of creating and maintaining relationships on social networks can be considerable. I see social marketers investing the equivalent of hundreds of dollars (or more) in one to one relationships that just aren’t feasible for corporate (big to small) online strategy.

Businesses want conversions and transactions at the cheapest possible price. The internet advertising and marketing mumbo jumbo suggests that that they can do it for pennies on the traditional ad spend dollar. But it gets worse. The social media people try to sell the imaginary numbers and benefits of social based on the recycled lies of online advertising.

None of which means that there is no value in online advertising and marketing. Or social. As Ted Rubin suggests, the conversation is most of the content in an online relationship.

Yet the cake remains a lie.


I’m a former IAB European National Director. So I’m not talking out my…

So my effort and measurement is based on a completely different model – a business model that may remind you of the business of the Ministry of Silly Walks.

Have I made impact in the minds, hearts and lives of the people that tune in to me?

Have I helped them work through their own self-deceits, delusions and vanities?

Have I helped them discover, see, and live out true love, truth, goodness and beauty?

The return is small but this is work for which we shall not count the cost.

Because this is the only work that is worthwhile.

10 Myths About MOBAS Debunked – Perhaps

Yomar Lopez addresses the hate growing around games referred to as Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas.
My comment

If you aren’t into games, you might wonder why you should care about MOBAs. But online games are a powerful segment of online business. In terms of growth, it may be second to porn.

Because people got time to kill. Because some don’t have work. Or can’t get work. Because some people need something more than what they got offline – love, acceptance, admiration, purpose, etc.

And if you say you know a little something something about the internets, you gotta know something about MOBAs, MMORPGs, FPSs, etc. You know what I’m saying!

Age and disinterest are not excuses. In the age of internets, we are all expected to know a little about everything.

Yomar really wants to tell you about how you can get in and get out of the MOBA experience with a little grace. Maybe, you can even retain some dignity and self-esteem too. But not really.

I just wish he’d focus on that. As for MOBA players – they’re seriously demonized. They breathe hate, contempt and hostility like it was air.


Demonized is not demonization. Demonized a la Derek Prince is kinda like possession but minus 360 degree head spins, levitations, glowing eyes, biblical boils, etc.

You know I love you, bro.

Authors and Twitter: You’re Doing It Wrong

C. E. Kilgore writes about the problem of faking it as a curator via Triberr, etc.

My comment

The cake is a lie.

I’m sorry you had to figure it out the hard way. But we all do – all who dare to dream. We all learn the hard way – unless we came to the game as a taker.

The problematic extends to all who hope to do something epic in social. Because the cake is a lie. Beyond the cake meta of social, the dynamic of reciprocity and all the dreams of pyramid schemes never works out like it should. For many reasons.

Mostly, it doesn’t work well because the effort is herculean – not to mention that it requires a serpent’s cunning. And even if this was all in place, the rewards are intensely insufficient.

But our lessons in online advertising and marketing are not over. Nor our disappointments.

Beyond our desperate need for reach, there is too much noise in social. Competing for attention is expensive – one way or the other. If you succeed in getting that one to 10 seconds of attention for which you fought tooth and nail, then the truth shall out: is your value to your customer explicit, intense and irrefutable?

Ironically, the above walkthrough represents another common and devastating error  – putting the cart before the horse.

The business model for books (as suggested by the New York Times’ bestseller list) is selling 5,000+ books per week. If what you are doing can’t go there, you may have a problem – if ever you dreamed of limos, five star hotels, big houses, elegant clothes, fancy cars, vip events, etc.

This Week and other Social Media DOHs

Geeks are all excited about the pending debut of the 12th Doctor (13th regeneration) on Season 8 of Doctor Who. John the Baptist almost wrote poetry about Ferguson. Meanwhile, we continued to mourn Robin Williams’ suicide and I still can’t get anyone from Revel Casino to talk to me about how they were supposed to pay for the damages done to my car by their valet people, but they are officially bankrupt. Obviously.

Hamas finally admitted that it’s own people abducted the Israeli teenagers and killed them. Christians in Iraq and Syria are being slaughtered, raped, robbed, displaced, etc. for being Christians. That includes the beheading of children in public places. The video of the beheading of a freelance, American journalist James Foley ignited American outrage. His ransom for 100 Million Dollars had not been paid. So much for the religious ideals of IS. But there’s not much in tears or outrage for the murder of helpless, Christian children. That bums me out. Maybe, it’s just too horrible for some people to think about.

I have no doubt that IS has brought a heavy curse upon their own heads, their people, and their nation. For God keeps all of His promises – the beautiful and the terrifying. It will go very badly for them and it will go badly for many generations.

The Christian solution, I imagine, is not to send soldiers to kill the bad guys – unless Jesus has shouted down from the heavens and no one told me. The Christian solution is for us to unite in repentance, praise, thanksgiving and prayer – we must plead with God for Him to bring peace to His peoples on Earth. One million people united in humility, hope and prayer to God, our heavenly father, will accomplish more than 100,000 soldiers on the ground, 10,000 missiles and rockets, ten billion dollars worth of air support, and ten million rounds of various ammunition.

What we got here is a lack of leadership, wisdom and love – political and spiritual.

Likewise, Ferguson would never have become what it did if political and leaders had stood with the people in solidarity and led them in mourning and healing. Ten million dollars of tax payer money in fancy military gear does not obtain anything resembling peace, justice or the American way.

The death toll of the Syrian Civil War approaches 200,000. Egyptian blogger and human rights activitst Alaa Abd El Fattah remains imprisoned. Thousands of Pakistanis overran the security barrier around the house of Pakistan’s Prime Minister and demanded his resignation. Ebola remains to be contained in Africa. Quakes surging around the Eyjafjallajokul volcano in Iceland.

The only thing that made sense (of everything) this week was Patti’s recitation of Keats on HBO’s 8th Episode of HBO’s The Leftovers. Coincidence?

Michael Robartes Bids his Beloved be at Peace by Yeats

HEAR the Shadowy Horses, their long manes a-shake,

Their hoofs heavy with tumult, their eyes glimmering white;

The North unfolds above them clinging, creeping night,

The East her hidden joy before the morning break,

The West weeps in pale dew and sighs passing away,

The South is pouring down roses of crimson fire:

O vanity of Sleep, Hope, Dream, endless Desire,

The Horses of Disaster plunge in the heavy clay:

Beloved, let your eyes half close, and your heart beat

Over my heart, and your hair fall over my breast,

Drowning love’s lonely hour in deep twilight of rest,

And hiding their tossing manes and their tumultuous feet.

Myself, I am not a believer in coincidence. Serendipity, however, is never recognizable to the foolish and proud.

God enlighten us, everyone. Soon. Actually, make that sooner…

Stan Faryna
22 August 2014
Fairfax, Virginia



Google Plus

Pregeeked Chat for #DoctorWho Season 8: Saturday 7:50 ET

August 21, 2014

Everything you need to know about #DoctorWho for Season 8

The 12th Doctor (Peter Capaldi) debuts in the Doctor Who Season 8 kick off on Saturday (23 August) at 7:50 ET on BBC America.

Who cares, right?

We care.
Just in time for the long-awaited episode, Deep Breath, Yomar Lopez and I chat about Doctor Who on Episode Zero of Timey-Wimely Tea Time.

Five Doctors at High Tea Crop

What is Doctor Who?

Doctor, who?

Yogizilla and I make a fun, sincere and thoughtful romp through the history, hype and awesome of the 50 year old sci-fi tv series.Check it out. If you want us to do more Timey-Wimey Tea Time, be generous with the likes and comments on YouTube.

Part 1

Part 2 
Stan Faryna
21 August 2014
Fairfax, Virginia



Google Plus

Almost Poetry: #Ferguson by @Faryna

August 18, 2014

Almost Poetry: #Ferguson

by Stan Faryna

Stan Faryna

#Ferguson in my inbox this morning. It’s from John the Baptist.

Almost Poetry: #Ferguson

Almost Poetry: #Ferguson


Stan Faryna
18 August 2014
Washington, D.C.



Google Plus

Robin Williams, #Demons, and a Dark Sign

August 17, 2014

Robin Williams, Demons and a Dark Sign

by Stan Faryna

Stan Faryna

Some have suggested that Williams’ inner demons will out soon enough. I could hope not. For that would be a disservice to our memory of a man that made us laugh and cry – regardless of how much money can be made by such idle entertainments. But what about the actual demons?

I understand that Mr. Williams was a Christian and a member of the Episcopal church. And if he was, I find it strange that no one seems to mention it or consider it worthwhile to reflect on. One reason to not mention it, of course, would be because it emphasizes the tragedy of his suicide and, perhaps, the consequence of the sin. Ultimately, suicide appears to be a rejection of God and His gifts. And among those gifts, rejected, are life, hope and faith.

Even Christians, however, will be unsure of the consequence of Williams’ suicide because God’s grace is beyond our own understanding.

There are also medical and supernatural considerations. Edelman got slutty and rushed to insert a foot into it’s mouth by using Williams’ tragedy as a springboard to talk about self promotion and marketing for the mental health industry.

As we mourn the loss of Robin Williams to depression, we must recognize it as an opportunity to engage in a national conversation.

And the world told Edelman to STFU.

What Dreams May Come

What Dreams May Come

The latter (supernatural things), however, must be ignored because not a few Christians presume themselves more educated and clever than God. It is completely understandable for the non-Christian to be so presumptuous. But more than presumptions, is the cunning of the Devil. It is phrased so perfectly in the movie, The Usual Suspects:

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.

Although I do sometimes have my doubts about my own commission as a Christian, I find it surreal that Christians are not inspired by Mr. William’s death to reflect deeply on the problem of demonization (demonization as opposed to possession). Of course, there would be a certain majority of Christians who would argue that the Christian is immune from demonization (because such admission is too frightening to consider), but obviously the evidence suggests that it does happen a little too often to be a coincidence.

On the other hand, a “theory” of demonization as advanced by the former evangelical Christian minister and writer, Derek Prince, provides the Christian with hope. Not only may a Christian find comfort in the opinion that God’s Grace and Mercy is more possible for crimes performed when one has acted under duress of an evil spirit, but also that the Christian can be delivered from the influence of evil spirits. Before it is too late!

I feel that I have not written about this matter with enough sensitivity or the theological training required for me to speak with authority and illumination on this matter. But I must reflect on William’s death and I must also reflect on the problem of evil that acts through me. I seek deliverance of it. Before I have done something for which the consequences could be profound and epic.

Beyond this, I understand that it is unwelcome to speak to the dark consequence of William’s suicide. For it is profound and epic.

One consequence of Mr. Williams’ tragedy could be described in this way:

An amazing man who has emotionally connected with millions (hundreds of millions or more) has given those same millions a dark sign by his suicide – he has unequivocally rejected life, you and me, and all the world. And I have to wonder why, if he had good reason, and if it is true that we (you and me) and the world are so terrible, incompetent or unworthwhile that Williams refused to journey with us further. 

Mr. Williams would not be alone in his violent rejection of us. The image of young buddhist monks dousing themselves in gasoline and lighting themselves on fire quickly comes to my mind. This can be a lonely planet, indeed. Sometimes, it seems like hell.

I expect that I may have upset more than a few people by my words here. Know that I do not imagine I own the truth on this matter or anything related. In fact, I may be mistaken in part or completely and I apologize to you now if I have wounded you by my words.

Please forgive me.

More words by Stan Faryna

The Wonder that is Woman

A Tribute to Maya Angelou

Flash Fiction: Say Something

Stan Faryna
17 August 2014
Fairfax, Virginia



Google Plus

Thanks for breaking my car, #Revel Casino cc @RevelResorts @VisitAC

August 12, 2014

Please help me to speak to Revel

by Stan Faryna

Stan Faryna


Some weeks ago, I stayed at the Revel Casino in Atlantic City. I used the valet parking service. When they came out with my car, the tail light was busted and there were lots of scratches.

Here’s a few of the pics that I submitted to Revel’s Claims Adjuster, Donna Passarelli.

Revel Valet Parking Damage 1

Revel Valet Parking Damage 2

Just an hour before I had handed my car over to Revel’s valet parking people, I had been to the dealership for new tires and they did a full damage assessment on the car. So we have an official third party report (dated documentation) that the damages Revel’s people did to my car was not pre-existing damage.

I took pictures of the damage, I filed the claim according to their rules, and the claims representative told me that they would take care of it. After many phone calls and some correspondence with the Donna Passarelli (Claims Adjuster for Revel Entertainment), I was told two weeks ago that Donna doesn’t work there. Then they gave me a phone number to someone else who doesn’t exist at Revel.

So I went to Revel to speak face to face and now they tell me they have no claims department. Really? I drove up from the Washington, DC area to Atlantic City to be told that?

An anonymous legal counsel that represents casinos in Atlantic City tells me that I could spend tens of thousands trying to make Revel pay up. Not to mention how I would have to come up here for trial dates where they will successfully postpone hearing after hearing for a year or more.

Awesome! But not really.

Revel Entertainment Email

The repairs cost me $2,500 (Donna had approved the estimate of a local body shop by phone). The additional week of stay was about another $1,000 as I had to stay in Atlantic City while the car was being repaired.

Dear reader and friend, I’d be grateful for your help if you tweeted this tweet.

Dear @RevelResort Pay for the damages to @Faryna’s car. Thanks. cc @VisitAC #Revel


Plz RT #Fail Thanks for breaking @Faryna’s car, #Revel Casino cc @RevelResorts @VisitAC

And if you happen to be one of the countless people that have been wronged and cheated by Revel Entertainment, let me know below in the comments and maybe we can get your issue resolved too.


As I reflect on today’s new stories of Revel’s upcoming closing and the angry rumors of how Morgan Stanley took a beating and then how Revel took tax payer money in a bail out that’s gone bad, I can’t but help to think that their lack of responsibility to customers (myself included) as “business as usual” is a clue into their mismanagement of the billions of dollars investment, business operations, and tax payer money.

Revel’s demise comes as no surprise. Sadly, such mismanagement also comes at the cost of thousands of people to be soon unemployed in Atlantic City. My heart goes out to the people living and working in AC and the surrounding cities. May God help them.




More blogging by Stan Faryna

The Wonder that is Woman

A Tribute to Maya Angelou

Self-promotion, Value and Other Social Media Dohs

Stan Faryna
12 August 2014
Atlantic City, New Jersey



Google Plus

The Buffaloes are gone

August 1, 2014

The Buffaloes are gone

by Stan Faryna

Stan Faryna

Of Monsters and Men, Little Talks

Theoretically, I write a blog post here when I have something to share. But it seems that I have been sharing less and less, here. And it is a little more than seems as it appears. As if the buffaloes had gone.
As Sandburg tells it, so I have also noted of the traffic.
Those who saw the buffaloes are gone.
Those clouds of dust that used to be raised, the thunder upon the plains – sometimes I wondered if it was the buffaloes. Or those who saw the buffaloes. But let me not make Sandburg’s poem serve as a cheap metaphor for the better days of a C-list blogger, the poem deserves better.
If you didn’t know, I’ve been writing a novel and working on art work for it. I’ve also been helping Yomar Lopez lay the foundations for his empire at Geeky Antics.
Here’s an illustration of Anca, a character from my vision. It was made by the talented fashion illustrator, Ros Webb.


I am tempted to suggest that the buffaloes are not gone. That hooves shall thunder again and more loudly than before. That clouds shall rise higher and that hearts will tremble at their return.
Can you hear the rumble in the far off distance?

Buffalo Dusk
by Carl Sandburg

The buffaloes are gone.

And those who saw the buffaloes are gone.
Those who saw the buffaloes by thousands and how they pawed the prairie sod into dust with their hoofs, their great heads down pawing on in a great pageant of dusk,
Those who saw the buffaloes are gone.
And the buffaloes are gone.

Stan Faryna
28 July 2014
Fairfax, Virginia



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