Nisha Varghese #50NewFeet

by Stan Faryna

Stan Faryna
Nisha Varghese


In a recent blog post, Nisha Varghese unintentionally revealed her daily challenges as I reflected again on what this means as she types out her daily blog posts and fundraising tweets.

This morning I typed a Whatsapp message from my smartphone  (because I have Cerebral Palsy I have poor fine motor skills which makes using things like a touchscreen a mammoth task) I feel a bit ridiculous celebrating a Whatsapp message but if you saw how much time and effort it took me to type a six letter word on my smartphone trust me you would be celebrating too.

Her fortitude to do good is not just admirable; it is nothing less than heroic and inspirational.

My subscribers should know who Nisha is and what she’s about. For those who don’t know about her: Nisha is a fundraiser for good causes. And her current campaign raises money for an organization that helps cure the condition of club feet in children around the world. Nisha explains it all on her campaign page here: 

Imagine how I feel when I get a personally typed message from Nisha – asking me to ask each of you to give $50 to her campaign – 100 of you. It may have taken her more than an hour to write those 200 words. Obviously, I can’t tell her no. But what an wonderful opportunity! I have to try. I have to put my words to good use. I have to put my writing to Nisha’s service – or I do not know love and, failing in this, I would have to confess that I have never known love.

Nisha, her mom and Katherine.png

None of which means that you are obligated by your own humanity to help me and Nisha with a $50 donation. But if you know love or say that you have known love, you might have to reblog this blogs post, share or tweet out the link, and/or give what you can. Or you could write a better blog post – one that better tells Nisha’s story and better explains her campaign.

Stan Faryna
12 July 2017
Fairfax, Virginia


3 Responses to Nisha Varghese #50NewFeet

  1. Thanks so much for your unbelievable support. Truly appreciate it!!!

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    Nisha Varghese #50NewFeet | The unofficial blog of Stan Faryna

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