What are you blogging about?

March 20, 2015

What are you blogging about!
[Flash Fiction]

by Stan Faryna

Stan Faryna

“What are you blogging about,” he asked as he took a sip of his $10 half-liter bottle of water.

She handed him her iPad 2 Air and shrugged.

This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God. 

James 1:19-20

Somewhere, snow falls on Spring’s eve. The dandelion, surprised, clench their golden fists in spite while little demons work their affliction in epileptics, alprazolamites, porn addicts, diabetics…

Little birds speak in mysterious tongues and the ignorant, angry, radical muslim lusts for blood; ironic, prophetic puns; german cars; the sons and daughters of their neighbor, nakedly; pop tarts…     

The lilies of the valley, dubious because of blood moons, the economy, and the lawless heart – none were curious about the sirens, the groans, the tears and the fears that we share today.

There is no rest for the wicked, they walketh the dry places, they drag their feet with parched and angry desire.   

But non can stop the bread of life from entering into the mouths of those hungering for God’s righteousness.
“It’s a little too bleak and a little too politically incorrect for a reblog,” he said as he handed the iPad back to her.
“How about something happy,” he suggested – white teeth gleamed in a smile that stretched across his glowing, smooth, brown face. Ty was religious that way. He was religious about skin cream – face, body and hand cream.
“Happy gets traffic. People want the Xanax. And, you know, it’s that crazy kind of traffic that gets the ad spend.”

She nodded.

In agreement or disagreement – Ty wasn’t sure. Sarah was like that. She wasn’t stupid. Or particularly smart. But she knew things. And, sometimes, the wisdom of the world didn’t matter. “Because money can’t buy you blessings,” she’d say.

Ty knew better. He was a survivalist. He had a fistful of silver dollars in his pocket, a can do attitude and a positive outlook. He had impact, voice and influence. He could tow the lie with the best of them. And he was paid well. Ty had it all.

“What if all of our lies and self deceits were all in vain,” Sarah asked Ty as she looked up – her long blond hair shifted and her blue eyes sparkled.

She was worthy of Ty’s desires in every manner and way. A phenomenal women – Maya Angelou would have said of Sarah.

Flashes of light lit the Los Angeles sky. But unknown to them, flashes of light sparkled over Beijing, Berlin, London, Moscow, New York, Paris, Washington D.C. and elsewhere.

The iPad went black.

Stan Faryna
20 March 2015
Fairfax, Virginia