Can we be true?

June 16, 2014

Can we be true?

by Stan Faryna

Stan Faryna

One Republic, Counting Stars


How shall we be true to others if we cannot be true to ourselves?

My thoughts turn to Shakespeare’s Hamlet which suggests that we can’t be true to our own self. Hamlet is torn by self-fragmenting experiences of human desire – often contradictory and, sometimes, violent and self-destructive desires. Hamlet goes mad. Hamlet is lost and consumed in darkness. Hamlet is lost even to himself.

The Gospels suggest that we can be true to our own self but only when we are true to God and, secondly, in our being a gift to our neighbor and those in need of help. Truth, Love and Hope shines from Jesus’ naked and beaten body nailed upon the cross. Jesus dies, but he is resurrected. The darkness that would feed upon him is defeated and Jesus is glorified.


African Child stalked by a Vulture-Sudan


Can we be true to ourselves? Is there a self which is true, truly ours and unsullied?


Stan Faryna
16 June 2014
Fairfax, Virginia

Why blogging is so 2010

June 7, 2014

Why blogging is so 2010

by Stan Faryna

Stan Faryna

Awolnation, Sail


This is how Jack does it

Jack, TheJackB, also known as Jack Steiner throws the click bait out there like a pro. Actually, I think he is a pro. He’s a problogger. More important than that – he’s a fine writer. His most recent pitch – what is your blog about?

I like to imagine that Jack is going to be a 12 week New York Times Best Selling author. Of course, he’ll help me get a fair and awesome contract for my pending novel – just as soon as he hits that homerun.

Meanwhile, I have to explain why blogging is not dead per se, but the sharp edge is gone. It has a bite as serious as a spoon. That’s not your fault. But your chances of making it big as a blogger (if you had sticky rice to throw and awesome sauce on the side) are as good as scratching off a $1000 cash prize on a lottery ticket. For those who don’t like the math, let’s just put it at not very good. It was highly unlikely in 2010. But if that was then, it’s worse now.

Blame it on the geeks.

I reflected on what a geek is here. I plunder the mojo of the new geek. And geeks got really, really mad.


This is how I show my love

It’s one way I do it. I deconstruct lies and delusions – especially those beasts by which I am, myself, self-deceived. Or was.

I plunder them like a pirate. If what I share here burns like salt on a raw wound – just imagine how I felt as I explored my own wounds with the imprecisions and derring-do of a 19th century surgeon.

Blame it on the ADD.

Even bloggers don’t read as many blogs as they did. If you don’t believe me, ask the invisible blogger. He can tell you all about them apples. Lesson number three from Bill’s long and successful career as an insurance salesman may apply to this post: Don’t look back.

If bloggers are not reading five to ten blogs per day, imagine how few blogs are read by ordinary people.


Moore’s Law

Moore’s law suggests that the processing power and speed of a computer doubles approximately every two years. I will suggest Moore’s Dilemma which implies that human attention, comprehension and knowledge decrease proportionately with the increasing use of computers in everyday life.

This is not sour grapes speaking. Nevermind that I miss the days when I had 100,000 people read one of my posts. And it didn’t happen just once. But those days are gone and I’m lucky if 20 people will read this post today.

We know this – people have less time, shorter attention spans and decreasing intellectual capacity as far as blogs or anything else goes. People think less and reading is a modern superpower. Have you seen the Will Wheaton Project?

TV, video and pics remain dominant communication formats regardless of the stylistic adaptations which reflect the accelerated and incoherent regressions of the internet. But, seriously, I never doubted that their sovereignty could be deeply challenged by text (or hyper text). Even the new Twitter format is a want to get out from under the deadweight of text.

People need it to pop. Who got time for the deeper thoughts?

he …

himalayan blue poppy faryna gabalots

Himalayan Blue Poppy

What’s the point of blogging?

I’m going to keep it simple.


1. Search position

2. Ad link landing site

3. Build up the credibility of your marketing message (or fraud)

4. Because you have something to say and no one in your offline to share your big ideas with

5. Because you have something to say and you don’t respect the opinion of those who give you offline feedback

6. Because no one in your offline respects your opinion

7. Because you don’t know about WOW or some other totally immersive, lifestyle MMORPG


Speaking in Tongues

That’s tongue in cheek, right? Maybe. And maybe is all I can honestly say about the subject.

Want audience?

Video is the shizzle. It is where it is. The audience. And I shall hope I’m very mistaken.

But the skills and equipment you need to rock the video isn’t as plug, play and fake as the blogging.

Just ask Yogizilla. Or check out Yomar Lopez, Fred Rojas (Gaming History 101), me and some other peeps hanging out uncensored one evening on TwitchTV.

Stan Faryna
7 June 2014
Fairfax, Virginia