Insane Loyalty and other social media DOHs

January 19, 2013

Insane Loyalty

And other social media DOHs

by Stan Faryna

Stan Faryna
Labrinth, Express Yourself
Recently, Dino Dogan spoke about insane loyalty. He calls it level 4 loyalty. It’s what Apple has. Apple has fans. 100s of millions of fans. Everyone has to have an iPhone or iPad – regardless of the inhumane conditions of the Chinese factories that produce iPhones and iPads.
Dino Dogan is saying that insane loyalty is key to success. Your success. Right?
Dino goes on to explain how insane loyalty is created by some of the biggest and best known brands.
Stand for something and say so – fearlessly and without regard for any contention and criticism. But don’t take a stand on anything that may interest you, take a stand on a popular and polarizing issue or view.
Understand Your Customer. Be your customer and/or talk to your customer. Speak to your customer’s interest.
If you want to get people excited about what you are doing, your products and service have to confer status. And a status that is a catalyst for the esteem of others, connection, opportunity, membership or all of the above – that’s something that people want.
That’s what Dino seems to be saying.
Is Dino right or wrong?
If you think Dino is spot on, can you apply it and get insanely loyal customers or fans?
Apple is not a leader. Nor was Steve Jobs. I’m not saying that the iThing is not crazy cool dreamy. It is the unrepentant disregard for the dignity of the human worker, however, that disqualifies Apple and Jobs from the honor roll.
For me, the question of loyalty is intimately bound to leadership and the good. True leadership is not about how much you can get out of it, it’s about how much you give and whether or not what you give is good. Leadership, true leadership, is about the courage to love. And the courage to be.
And there is nothing insane about true leadership and love. But there can be unimaginable beauty.

Stan Faryna
19 January 2012
Fairfax, Virginia

What’s Wrong With TV! And other social media DOHs.

January 9, 2013

What’s wrong with TV!

And other social media DOHs.

by Stan Faryna

Stan Faryna

It’s a pandemic. It’s worse than an actual zombie apocalypse. It’s highly contagious – hence, pandemic.

Storage Wars. Repo-Games. Then there’s the TV ads: Quibids, Octaspring, and the Safe Step Tub.

All of them – demons, abominations and horrors. All of them with the unstoppable, ruthless reach of TV.

I say this with both a chuckle and a sigh. Read the rest of this entry »