About this blog

Stan Faryna

Bigger, better, blog-tasty

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500,000+ total reads as of December 2012

4,000 views on a really good day

Hottest Topics and search terms:

Apps, Business, Connection, Community, Design, Destiny, Dignity, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Freedom, Games, Hope, Leadership, Love, Marvel Avengers Alliance, Marvel Heroes, Politics, Online Advertising, Online Strategy, Science Fiction, Social Media, Social Web, Technology and Zombies 


Thank you for visiting my blog- the unofficial blog of Stan Faryna. Here, I tend to write for myself and for my own pleasure in reflecting upon the things the move in my thoughts, but I do enjoy sharing my thoughts and questions on business, culture, internet, online strategy, people, etc.

If you enjoyed one of the many unwashed thoughts-in-progress, please sign up, comment, and – if you like- share the good news with a friend.

At your own risk and responsibility, you are welcome to feed on my un-indelible insights, opinion, questions and wisdom. I cover a wide and eclectic range of topics and issues which I can not list here. To do so would appear like a shameless and never ending keyword list for search engine optimization (seo).

If you would like to know more about me, click here.

Below, a little humor for those who need some background noise as you read.



A Better Mousetrap?

The current WordPress blog may be a better mousetrap. And what am I trying to catch? The jury is still in deliberation. This incarnation of a blog was set up to share my thoughts with friends and others who unsuccessfully try to connect with me by phone. Some strangers have wandered in out of the cold and I’m glad to welcome them into my small space here. If you happen to drop by my office in Bucharest, I always have beans (Starbucks house blend) and tea bags (Harrod’s Earl Grey No. 42).

Most of you have heard this excuse before: Romanian telephone providers do not do a great job routing incoming international calls. So, um, I can’t explain why I don’t pick up the phone and call people more often.

I really, really like Christmas cards.

I’m joking!

Focus on the positive aspects and get into this blog. Get inside my head. And, if you dare, get into my heart.

This blog is both a fresh start and revision of past blogging and personal journals from the Faryna knowledge center (Faryna and G.I.Global intranet), blog.faryna.net (Das Blog) and other sources.

Honestly, I don’t know if I like WordPress at this moment. Like everything else in life; there are ups and downs to all things- even being Stan Faryna. I may stick it out and make WordPress useable for me- or move on to another blogging format. We’ll see.

December 2008

Progress and Patience

Regarding past writing, I am in the process of recovering, sorting, and reviewing past editorials and opinion. My intention is to review and republish two editorials per month. This may be an overly ambitious intention, however. I’m already doing catch-up.

Past content will remain unedited and raw as I find them. Formating is made to fit the new style.

Links, however, may be updated for improved relevance to you. And if I can get an aspiring social media wanna-be… to come into this blog to continue linking more and feeding you with youtube… that would be as good as pie. Generally, I do review things after they have been modified. If any changes disturb you, let me know on linkedin.

July 2009

Fair Use

If you want to share my content with your own audience, don’t hesitate to quote a brief excerpt, if and only if, you provide proper attribution (Source: The unofficial blog of Stan Faryna) with a direct link to the source.

You may not republish or translate the entire article without my written permission. Send your request for permission by inmail through the linkedin professional network at www.linkedin.com.

Note: I have been asked if I expect money for republishing and/or translating my posts. I do not expect any money from most pubishers (unless you have a lot of it). I want to know where and when, I want to be sure that there will be no modification of my writing (except replacing vulgar language with something more pedestrian – which I can do), and I want to get to know the people who think I am cool enough to replublish.

Anti-plagiarism tools are used as countermeasure for copycats. I will pay Gypsy spell-binders to bind your soul and destiny to my toilet paper (and all the souls and destinies of those you love)… if you are Romanian and you copy, paste and translate my writing without my express consent. Muhuwahaha…

More importantly, I encourage you to think and write for yourself. This is one important way that you can join me in the fight against the dumbing down of humanity. One of the consequences of the great marketing machine is that it wants each of us to repeat, word for word, what it says in an attempt to immerse us in a prolific message. Repeating each other, word for word, is a step down the path to idiocracy.


Copyright 1996 to 2023 by Stan Faryna.

Here’s my fair use policy for my content:

If you want to share my content with your own audience, you may quote a brief excerpt, if and only if, you provide proper attribution (Source: The unofficial blog of Stan Faryna) with a direct link to the source. You may not republish or translate the entire article without my written permission. Send your request for permission by inmail through the linkedin professional network at www.linkedin.com.

5 Responses to About this blog

  1. Yogizilla says:

    Ah, there we go – the epic Stan Faryna photo! Who’s your multimedia guy/girl? They’re hired! Haha

  2. Stan Faryna says:


  3. […] Stan Faryna whose writing is sometimes beyond my comprehension, but as they say “a mind once stretched never goes back to its original dimensions” […]

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