It’s NOT the economy, stupid!

July 23, 2009

This is the same Netbridge that IAB Europe and Alain Heureux were so enthusiastic to support despite much evidence that IAB should not. This is the same Netbridge whose online and software investments were mismanaged by Orlando Nicoara, Silviu Sirbu, Vlad Stan.
This is the same Netbridge that operated the misleading traffic reporting service, It’s the same people who sold unreliable and improperly supported online advertising management systems (Ad Server). It is the same holding group that is rumored to cost cut with pirated software and pitiful salaries. The list of scandals, cheats, and failures is long.
This is the same Netbridge that Romanian journalists could not expose because their publishing groups were so closely tied with Netbridge and all of Netbridge’s bed fellows in the Romanian online advertising industry: AdEvolution, Imedia, MediaPro, Oligvy, Webstyler, Zenith and many, many more.
Implicating one, implicates all.
As I have written previously, I predicted the fall of Netbridge’s online group. Bad business is not sustainable. catastrophe is inevitable.
The failure to provide value to industry and market is not sustainable as a way of doing business- not even online.
It is a pity and especially for the foreign investors whose capital was misused and mismanaged by doi lei smechers.
Online advertising in Romania is at a dead end. There’s no one to trust. Worse, there is littel to no value in online advertising in Romania for the advertiser- except Google. Unfortunately, you can count the Google professionals on one hand.
Let us not forget Alain Heureux, President of IAB Europe, and IAB Europe, the trade association responsible for promoting the growth of the interactive advertising markets in Europe. Heureux and IAB Europe legitimized the bad guys. And so also IAB USA’s then international liaison. Heureux and IAB are not just guilty by association.
I am very pleased to see this house of cards begin to fall. Only when it has fallen down completely can there be a chance for entrepreneurs and investors to build an online advertising industry that is better, trustworthy and sustainable.

Below, Johnny Cash, Five Feet High and Rising



Romanian Online Advertising Industry is FUBAR

Recently, the Romanian courts decided to suspend the activities of certain online holdings under Netbridge Investments SRL and New Century. According to reports, the online media and advertising giant owes one million Euros to unpaid web property clients.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. And it has nothing to do with the global economic downturn- even if journalists would like you to believe such a convenient lie. Ultimately, it’s about bad business, the failure to provide value and service, and a whole lot of hustle.

This is the same Netbridge that IAB Europe and Alain Heureux were so enthusiastic to support despite much evidence that IAB should not. This is the same Netbridge whose online and software investments were mismanaged by Orlando Nicoara, Silviu Sirbu andVlad Stan.
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