My letter to Steve Ballmer- to which I received a response

September 12, 2006

Bablionic Note:

In response to my letter (below) or its publication in a Romanian newspaper, I was contacted by a board member of Microsoft, HR VP of Microsoft, and Director of Microsoft Romania. The issue was resolved to my satisfaction.



September 12, 2006

Mr. Steve Ballmer
Chief Executive Officer
Microsoft Corporation

Dear Mr. Ballmer:

I write to you from Bucharest, Romania because I was taken aback today when a junior programmer, Emilian Baragan, came to tell me that he is leaving our company for Microsoft. The surprise is not that this untrustworthy junior developer is leaving our small development company for the opportunities and benefits offered by Microsoft, but that Microsoft’s business plan in Romania is a contradiction. At the end of this letter, I provide a proposal that may solve this conundrum.

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