Bummed out because I missed the triberr webinar by @RachelintheOC

Bummed out because I missed the triberr webinar by @RachelintheOC

by Stan Faryna

Stan Faryna

Turn Your Old Content Into A New Book.

That’s what you see when you log into Triberr – a very cool blogger app that lets you build tribes. The tribes enable you to curate others through Twitter (mostly) and extend your own reach through your tribemates’ followings. Triber co-founders Dino Dogan and Dan Cristo are the bad-asses that helped preserve some of the fading relevance of blogging.

Herbie Hancock and Lang Lang performing Gerschwin’s Rhapsody in Blue

Someone failed to make the DATE large and obvious on the advertisement for best-selling Amazon author Rachel Thompson‘s webinar and I was ready to sign up… a day after the seminar. Lack of design leads to obvious problems. Always.

I feel badly that I’m being snarky about this when the boy that I once was needs to own some of this fuck up too.

Like the title says, I’m bummed out that I missed Rachel’s webinar. But this is social and I don’t have to stare at an empty plate. 48 hours later, I head on over to Rachel Thompson’s twitter account (she has two), clicked over to her main blog, and hit her first blog post, And The Oscar Goes To…

In her blog post, Rachel introduces us to Gabe Berman, self-help author of Live Like A Fruit Fly. There’s also a contest to win a free copy of Gabe’s book – if you comment, RT, follow Gabe, and mention the blog post on Facebook. The boy that I once was loves winning contests – so I did it all.

Gabe Berman doesn’t just paint a picture in the excerpt that Rachel shares with us. He makes a movie with his words: sights, sounds, faces, and life. And Gabe reflects honestly about envy – a reflection stirred, I suppose, by the young women sitting at the tables near him.

Gabe concludes:

Feel free to feel the pain of your youth. But you’re now in a position to make it up to the kid you once were. Regardless of everything, you can still be magnificent. You can still add magnificence to the world.

Beautiful words, indeed. It may even be a beautiful conclusion. That depends…

The last two sentences ring true. But that second sentence could be a doozy.

But you’re now in a position to make it up to the kid you once were.

I have a gut feeling that this is one of the big problems we all face. Trying to make it up to the kid you once were. That kid wasn’t Buddha. Nor a saint. Not mine. I love him. Don’t get me wrong. But everything he wanted wasn’t what he needed. And, yes, he still wants lots of things. All the right and wrong things too.

None of this is a dig on Gabe. This is just something that came up and I needed to think about it out loud.

Maybe, yours (the kid you once were) is better than mine and you can have at it. That I do not know. But I do know me.

I know that there’s often trouble in the mix whenever I make it up to the kid that I once was.

I could misrepresent the facts and tell you that 12 year old kid wanted love when he wanted Madonna for Christmas after seeing her in Penthouse. But that wouldn’t be the truth. Some years later, that same kid (then a college freshman) would proposition Madonna in the Tower Records parking lot in Hollywood and Madonna would turn him down with unforgettable grace and charm.

What about the kid that you once were?

Stan Faryna
24 April 2012
Bucharest, Romania


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2 Responses to Bummed out because I missed the triberr webinar by @RachelintheOC

  1. hey…we’ll run that webinar again real soon 🙂

Speak from your heart!