Blog Soup: @DaveRGallant @BradShorr @pammktgnut @danperezfilms @PaulFlanigan

blog soup 01.30.2012

Mixed Epiphanies for a Monday

by Stan Faryna

Stan Faryna

Enya, Wild Child

1. 7 Lessons I’ve Learned from a Failed Startup by Dave Gallant

Dave Gallant is a start up guy. That means he’s failed. And it means he’s ready to fail again. Because that’s a big part of what it takes to succeed.

Dave defines failure beautifully:

When you try your best, and it’s still not good enough.

Dave punctuates the definition with an image from the movie, 300 – a movie that tells the inspiring historical drama of King Leonidas I of Sparta as told by the Greek historian Herodotus, the Father of History.

At the battle of Thermopylae (480 BC), King Leonidas and his 300 Spartans made a final stand against the invading Persian army of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS – to delay the murder and rape of Spartans by one day.

My comment:

Failure is inevitable. Nor is any one success self-sustaining. Each and every success is a prize that must be fought for and hard won.

I’d love to hear more about your current start up, Dave.

Subscribe to Dave Gallant’s Blog.

Need more Dave Gallant? Check out the following:

Google, Plus Your World

A Blogging Framework For Success

6 Misconceptions of Social Media

2. The Immense Value Of Small Talk In Social Media by Brad Shorr

Brad Shorr guest posts on Kris Olin’s blog.

Brad says Social Media is about the small talk. In other words, get over the breakfast tweet!

My comment:

Love what Phil says in his comment about making the best of the online social experience:

You can take your time and craft something, so you sound as smart as you are.

When I was in my twenties, I loathed small talk. Going to do small talk was like going to hell. I couldn’t do it gladly- do what I thought that small talk was.

And what I think it was? It was talking about things that didn’t excite me. Like what is love? Or what does it mean TO BE? As opposed to – not be.

Do ya know what I mean?

In my thirties, I learned that the problem was me – not small talk.

If you want to talk about something that matters, do some of the talking. Make conversations. Speak from the heart. Talk about the things that choke you up!

Within the context of the conversation, of course.

That’s what blog soup is really about. Yeah, I know, that’s a spoiler for some.

Sometimes, the secret ingredient should stay secret. Yes?

Thanks to you, Brad and Kris, for a thought-provoking read.

Subscribe to Kris Olin’s Blog.

Need more Kris Olin? Check out the following:

The Trick To Finding, Watching And Winning Facebook Sweepstakes

Steven Paul Jobs 1955-2011

Charities ‘Doing It Right’ Through Facebook Promotions

3. The Heartbeat of Social Media by Pam Moore

Pam asks a question of you. And me.

Are you part of the beating heart?

Or are you just a part of the noise contributing to the stress, confusion and disbelief in the value of social media?

My comment:

Pam writes:

The heartbeat of social is the people.


The heartbeat of social is people sharing life together.

So it is. These things and more.

The heartbeat of social is people, sharing themselves with each other, and receiving each other as the gifts each, infact, is.

These thoughts remind me of something my friend, Florin Cosac, says:

Help others dream bigger.

The question I ask myself, right now, is not who did you lift up today? But, how many!?

Subscribe to Pam Moore’s blog.

Need more Pam Moore? Check out the following:

Is This My Blog or Your Blog?

Why I Deleted My Klout Profile

Social Trust Factor: 10 Tips to Establish Credibility

4. Video of the Week: Making it through hard times by Dan Perez

The music video ends with the beautiful sound of children’s laughter. Wow! That’s where hope lives.

My comment:

Now we have a starting point from which we can be and become greater gifts unto each other, Dan.

Music is wonderful that way.

And social media.

And, last but not least, hard times. Because we need hard times. All of us. It’s a can opener for stubborn and hardened hearts.


I do have to say that your impatient and gruff comment on Bruce Sallan’s recent blog post made me think twice. [grin] 

Not that I agree with how Bruce Sallan caricatures Venus and Mars, but as you might have noticed, I challenged his point of view by another tact.

In my own humble opinion, Karen Horney, a strong critic of Freud, offered some profound insight into the differentiations of the female psyche.

Anyway, I am a gambling man. And, maybe, it was just a bad day. Just like you said.

Anything to put a smile on Gini’s Monday!

Subscribe to Dan Perez’s blog.

Need more Dan Perez? Check out the following:


New Hope for Children with Cancer

10 Great Movies You’ve Prolly Never Seen

5. Bright Idea? Tropicana Makes The Sun Rise in London by Paul Flanigan

Paul Flanigan asks the big question:

Was it worth it?

Paul is referring to Tropicana creating an artificial sun rise in Trafalgar Square.

My comment:

Staging beauty is not cheap. Just check the receipts for a month of beauty supplies for a woman who fans SephoraMAC, or Dr. Hauschka. [grin]

The arrogance of an extravagant artist that envies God is never justified. But there is a certain wow and sexy hutzpah to that kind of reckless ambition.

What I didn’t say:

For example, we love Apple. I mean “love” in a generic sense.

And our love for Apple is unchallenged by our awareness that the Chinese factory workers at Foxconn are so miserable that some of them believe that they would be better off dead. Foxconn is a major Taiwanese-owned manufacturer catering to famous-name brands including AppleDellHPMotorolaNintendoSony and Nokia.

Learn more about the ongoing Foxconn Technology Group scandals, the protests, the inhumanity, the suicide attempts, and the suicide death count.

A report on Foxconn’s inhumane labor practices is documented by a report was produced by a non-profit group in Hong Kong. It’s here:

Yes, we’re whores like that. That includes me…


Here’s my idea for Tropicana’s next promotion. Tropicana will pay me a million dollars for the concept. [grin] 50 percent of that consulting free and intellectual property compensation will go to the creation of an NGO that aims to overcome rural poverty through social and citizen media.

A circle of Tropicana people are wearing orange shirts at the center of a mass of African children in need. Tropicana is spelled out by red shirts for 7 seconds.

Like rays of light, the orange shirts move out in lines into the surrounding mass of children.

Food, candy, water, Tropicana juice, yellow-white-and orange shirts are distributed to the children.

Zoom out: the mass of children starts to change color as they put the shirts on.

Close up: smiles, laughter, and joy.

Zoom out.

Close up.

Subscribe to Paul Flanigan’s blog.

Need more Paul Flanigan? Check out the following:

One of the Best Lessons I Ever Learned About Branding

Endemic Advertising

How Long Does It Take to Be Great?


If you think that this blog post sucks, let me know in your comment and don’t forget to include a link to YOUR favorite blog post.

If you think this blog post rocks, tell me why it rocks in the comment. “Awesome,””Great post,” etc. works for me. Don’t forget to include a link to YOUR most recent blog post.

Subscribe to this blog if you would enjoy keeping up with my thoughts and commentary.

Stan Faryna
30 January 2012
Bucharest, Romania


No fairies were harmed during the writing and publishing of this blog post.

14 Responses to Blog Soup: @DaveRGallant @BradShorr @pammktgnut @danperezfilms @PaulFlanigan

  1. Stan,
    Very kind of you to add me as an ingredient in this yummy soup (I’ll be the garlic, yes?). Nice to see you on my blog as well.

    As for Mr. Sallan’s blog post, those types of insufferable generalizations tend to bring out the worst in me as I try to raise my teenage daughter to not be influenced by what men or women “should” act like. I actually thought I was rather civil about it 😉

    Thanks, again, for this – much appreciated.

    • Stan Faryna says:

      Dan, I have found in your writings, a great compassion, intelligence, and honesty. Only to be matched (and diminished) by your contempt and explosive anger.

      As I was listening to the music (Hard Times), I allowed myself to consider for a moment your frustration that the depth of your compassion and deep want for action and change… is not shared by others – actually or apparently.

      I hereby publicly repent, Dan, of having hard feelings about you.

      Forgive me.

      I was offended by what I took as your contempt for all of us participating in niche amnesty. I now let that wound behind me and I now hope to- to get to know you better, to celebrate your compassion, and, perhaps, to discover a friend in you.

      I hope you will permit me that opportunity, Dan.

      Honesty is a slippery creature, I admit. I struggle to be honest here against my own self-deceits, delusions, sin, stupidity, prejudice, ignorance, and insincerity.

      My or your honesty is ever tainted by such and I think we have to be conscious of that. Otherwise, we’re just jerks as the discussion suggests over at Margie Clayman’s blog post, here:

      P.S. I totally understand your concern as a father.

      • bonnie67 says:

        There’s a social lesson here. Im laughing so hard. There’s not enough forgiveness in spite of all the fake friendliness that passes for autenticity in social media. So there you are showing how its done. I’m proud of you Stan. Youre a true leader but I always knew that since I met you in Yuwie.

      • Stan,
        I know we’ve had our differences in the past but my intention is never to offend (really). I’m just a person who expresses myself based on my own knowledge and experiences. I try my best to taper my comments so that they don’t reflect anger or contempt. To some, I may not always succeed but I’m prepared to live with that.
        In the case of niche amnesty (where I know you took issue), my intention was not to belittle the idea but to express my own discomfort in speaking about myself (or thinking that anyone should care). I speak my truth and that does not always sit well with the masses who try very hard to please everyone in the popularity contest that is social media.
        Surely, I’ve upset some people with my comments but my issue is usually taken up with the content not the individual. Many bloggers (who are used to the “great post!” comments) aren’t always comfortable with that. I say, if you can’t take some heat, cease from blogging. Writing is still an art form last I checked and open for debate/discussion.
        Despite our past differences, we are not that different, you and I. We are both passionate about our beliefs (I respect that about you) and don’t mind expressing that passion. We just take different approaches. But there’s no need to repent for that.
        Hopefully, this discussion will give us a fresh start and a better understanding of each other. I can only express my appreciation for your honesty and openness.
        Pals? 🙂

  2. alaskachick says:

    How wonderful! I am off to read more of Dan Perez and Dave Gallant (if the internet holds…) for a bit then hopefully I will visit Pam Moore tomorrow! (Shoo!)

    HubSpot came through for me this morning and I am beat! In the best way. I am doing the re-do as we speak. Still battling issues but I am still standing. Tomorrow, the 32st is Alaska Chick’s birthday. It’s (Her?) her first! One year ago I pushed publish for the first time,

    The best line in the whole post:
    “…Dave defines failure beautifully:

    When you try your best, and it’s still not good enough.”

    Yeah. Well.
    I love these! I always meet the coolest people from your soup!
    Take Care!

  3. Betsy Cross says:

    I went AWOL last night for 2 hours and visited with my mom who lives 5 mins. from me. We talked a lot about social media, she from one end of the spectrum (totally resisting it) and me from the other (completely immersed…well, maybe not completely!). The two posts above about social media spoke to me because they are what my mom and I talked about. It’s very hard for her to understand what it’s like to have friends that you’ve never met that you can feel connected to…and yes, it’s the small talk and the desire we all have, as Pam says, to “make people smile.”
    That’s what ALL of these posts reflect for me…seeing the power in music, tweets, status updates, and even ad campaigns that change our moods for the better and connect us the more we respond and engage.
    Hope you get the call from Tropicana! Sounds brilliant!

    • Stan Faryna says:


      It wouldn’t hurt if you sent Tropicana an email and a tweet that the best ever ad idea is right here. [grin]

      Hint. Hint.

      Dan Perez could film it. Paul Flanigan could serve as a consultant.

      Dave Gallant, Pam Moore, and Brad Shorr could write the case study of how the magic of social media is where conversations allow illuminations to happen, where illuminations bring people together and inspire them to power that illumination and make it become a beautiful, life-changing event.

      And you get your three weeks of all expense paid vacation in Africa (baby sitter included).

      Do you see the possibility? [warm smile]

      Because if you can see it, this is something your mother will understand. With certain reservations – of course.

  4. Hi Stan, Thanks for adding me to your recipe! I do like your soupy approach; it’s taken me in several unexpected directions, leading me to new blogs and Twitter connections … and oh yes, new ideas and perspectives. Whether it’s big talk or small talk, we really need to keep the “social” in social media, which is why I’ve been on an anti-Klout rampage lately. (Pam Moore’s post on Klout is terrific and inspired me to write my own somewhat less articulate rant on SocialMouths.) Anyway, connecting people on the soup level is what makes social media powerful. So count me in as a subscriber!

  5. Stan Faryna says:


    There’s an interesting conversation going on at Margie Clayman’s blog, here:

    I am not one of the star contributors in that conversation. [grin]
    Regardless of my lack of a role in Margie’s conversation, it made me reflect on several things. Like being a jerk as I mentioned above in my reply to Dan.

    Another topic in that conversation is link bait. And, honestly, I imagine that there’s a lot of people out there that consider my blog soup to be link bait. After all, I link like crazy. I’m just a link whore, right?

    Nevermind that I have been online for 20+ years and that I have been an ardent believer in hypertext as an instrument of liberation and human freedom, human dignity, expanding the heart and mind, etc.

    So I am moved by your testament, Brad, about what you got out of blog soup.

    Thank you, Brad. You uplift me. My efforts are not in vain. [big sigh] My journey to improve upon the method of curating others within a meaningful conversation is not bogus – even though it remains to be an obvious success. [laughing]

    Honestly, blog soup’s success under my own management is not important to me. I would find the greater reward in blog soup working out for others. I would be proud to see other people publishing their own blog soups. “Blog soup” even as a title belongs to the commons. In fact, I encourage people to “steal it” for their own use, gain, and enjoyment.

    As for Klout, they did the one mistake that game makers don’t do. You don’t nerf past achievements. Killing Klout scores was just stupid and obviously, stupid. What they should have done is raise the bar past 100 – if they wanted to make a global system correction.

    Myself, I believe online reputation is the future. It is key to the global commoditization of people and populations. And, yes, it’s going to be an uncomfortable journey for a few more years. For all of us. Also, I fear. I fear, for example, we will forgive Klout its indiscretions and insults in time.

    Oh – your guest posts are prolific. I have much reading ahead for me. And I look forward to it, Brad.

  6. Hi Stan, I agree: Margie’s post and commentary are terrific. As I tried to say over there, it’s not necessary to get hung up on being a jerk, at least as far as I’m concerned. If you’re linking to great content, which you definitely appear to do, then you doing good. (Be careful not to lower your standards by linking to my posts.) When I started blogging six years ago, I discovered there were certain bloggers who had a knack for finding and sharing great content. Some of them had purely commercial motives, and others were purists whose time spent blogging probably detracted from their commercial success. So I learned not to worry too much about motives. Good work is good work.

Speak from your heart!