The Yellow Brick Road: Adventures in Yuwie-land 0-2

April 20, 2008

0-2 Preface, Yellow Brick Road, Adventures in Yuwie-land

Note: special thanks to Stuart Godwin for inspiring me to try writing in a different style.

Don’t play it. Really. Don’t do it. Because it’s god-awful: Eminem, Yellow Brick Road



Don’t know what Yuwie is about, then read my initial thoughts about Yuwie here.

NOT Yuwie again!

‘Fraid so.

An hour ago, I got a message in Yuwie from an old friend. My G-mail inbox is flooded with Yuwie messages- 24-7.

Note to self: make new a new email account for spam and registrations. Soon.

“So, now what? How do I make money?”

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