this week runs over with strong feelings and pounding hearts #HearOurPrayer

Progress, Prosperity and Hope

by Stan Faryna

Stan Faryna

This week. Like a overflowing cup, this week runs over with strong feelings and pounding hearts.

Imogen Heap, Just For Now

Sorrow and tears were shared. But also kindness and at least one smile. Or two. And prose – if it is not poetry – made certain demand upon me.

Please visit the awesome bloggers (Jayme Soulati and Kaarina Dillabough) who are kind and generous to allow me to guest post and share words of hope and happy.

The Happy Friday Series: A Chat With Pooh

What If Today You Got More Than You Asked For?

And the prose?

Bear with me. This too shall pass. Quickly.

Progress, Prosperity and Hope

I stretched out my hand to poetry
this early morning
and I felt the distance grow between words
and understanding.
Were those miles there before I had begun?
Like glass shattering, the shards scattering
across the kitchen floor; like a people
fleeing, retreating
from a more perfect union – but they say
Lincoln’s a poet and poetry mends
hearts, ways, hopes, families, neighborhoods and peoples.
That would be progress!
Or prosperous by any other name.

Technology, commerce, innovation –
cannot tow a star-faring ship of state
up a creek like a stubborn juggernaut.

Yes, star-faring ship –
that is what I wrote!

The seas are sailed
and the seas run red.
The shining cities
of Mars
are not soon enough
nor the Orion
starports blinking in their ochre glory.

At dock, hum the engines of Enterprise,
ready to carry our hopes even further.

Beyond poetry. Fiction. And Boston.

Stan Faryna
19 April 2013
Fairfax, Virginia

Recent blog posts:

Beauty, Come and Get Some

Freedom is Solid

Season 3 Finale of The Walking Dead

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Faryna Mug - love never fails

11 Responses to this week runs over with strong feelings and pounding hearts #HearOurPrayer

  1. Betsy Cross says:

    Did you write that, Stan? Nice!

  2. Stan, your amazing talent, is well, amazing. You amaze me.

    There, isn’t that poetry? 3 words Redundant in praise; could be a Haiku.

    Thanks for coming over to my house…

  3. “Were those miles there before I had begun?” is a very interesting question. You’re a philosopher.

  4. Stan, thanks so much for your wonderful post over at my place and Jayme’s, for you friendship and for the lovely tip of the hat here, my MofM…hmmmm, that acronym doesn’t sound quite right either, does it. I must ponder that further, but you know what I mean;) Cheers! Kaarina

    • Stan Faryna says:

      LOL! Mr. MOM – not very mysterious and exciting. But I wish that I had a chance to be a Mr. Mom. Some day, perhaps. Hopefully sooner than later.

      And I do cook well, sweep and mop, and do the laundry. I’m not so good about the dishes, however.

      Thanks again for letting me attempt to share beauty.

      We are birds of a feather!

  5. says:

    Lovely poem Stan. Hugs, Dari*

Speak from your heart!