Mohammed Nabbous, A Servant Leader in Libya

March 20, 2011

What does a journalist do?

Recently, I turned up the volume on the problematic regarding the corporate bias of the modern news organization-media empire. I have questioned the privilege of media agents who do not represent the public interest, health, welfare, hope and aspiration for a better country – agents that serve the interests of the corporate bottom line. They pass themselves off as the press. As journalists. And it’s really that bad. But there are also those who measure up. They stand above. They are an example to follow.

Mohammed Nabbous stands among several recent heroes of the press.

Mohammed Nabbous (Mo to many) may have been the first citizen journalist to share the terror and horror of Gaddafi’s attempt to silence Feb 17th protesters in Libya. Mo broadcast live from Benghazi from the beginning of the Libyan revolution. He captured the world’s attention with his online video, commentary and blogging. He founded Libya Alhurra TV. You can watch some of Mo’s reports here. Read the rest of this entry »