Q: How do you find your passion?

Q: How do you find your passion?

by Stan Faryna

Stan Faryna

U2, Beautiful Day

Passion, purpose, and signs have led me to and fro, up and down. I have observed too that we all tend to give all that we have for a disappointing safety, convenience and comfort.

Three steps back follow every step forward. The cheat is not to take more or bolder steps forward.
character count: 100

The cheat is to hold the line against petty fears. Make smaller steps backward with much reluctance.
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Fear God, but nothing else.

What God? The God whose mouth will speak with swords. The God that hates deceits, broken oaths, and betrayal. The God that makes history. The God that cries for our heartlessness, humiliations, and sorrows.

Fear nothing else. In other words, do the right thing and be not afraid. And that is easier said than done. I know.

We were meant to move. Hearts and minds have a celestial motion. Also bodies. Even stars! They move.
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Stubbornly, we refuse to move without incentives speaking immediately to our delight and advantage
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This is our prejudice and we can only overcome our prejudice through more noble habits than the vicissitudes that nurture our enlightened narcissism.

Prudence, courage, justice, and temperance – they are just a few of the instruments of celestial motion. And true passion, I believe, is a celestial motion.

Amusements, delight, and excitement are neither trustworthy guides nor the ends to which our individual destiny’s seek. Delights are merely dim approximations and incomplete metaphors of the splendor of greater things. Like a light bulb is to daylight.

As an end, delight will never substitute for the beautiful, the good, and the true.

Sure, I like delight as much as anyone else. And hence, I understand the problem as clearly as do you.

Aristotle taught these things. His student, Alexander the Great, conquered the world. Thomas Aquinas also spoke to our calling. Though his Summa is a moveable feast of epiphanies, the sheer word count, however, is so much larger than our own patience and ambition.

As my friend, Billy Delaney observes, there are few books, tried and true, and packed with more wisdom than the book of Job. In fact, we lack for neither information nor insight. None.

Who are you? Knowing what you are, what shall you hope and how shall you live?

This is the order in which these questions must be asked and answered. You cannot put the cart in front of the horse. Because it does not move when the cart is put in front of the horse.

Alone in your pride and prejudice, you will never answer these questions well.

Worse, you may never take the time to scratch the surface of these eternal questions -questions that, undoubtedly, the first man and woman also felt moving in their hearts.

Alone or in bad company, even the taste of good answers cannot be lived fully and passionately.

Such are the perils of self-defeat and -conceit.

Or do you consider that I am greatly mistaken?

Stan Faryna
22 February 2012
Bucharest, Romania


This essay began as a comment to Craig McBreen – specifically to his illumination on living out one’s passion. Thank you, Craig, for moving me to speak my heart on a matter of great importance.

If you are wondering about what happened to blog soup, you can read about why I shut down the soup kitchen.


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10 Responses to Q: How do you find your passion?

  1. Ah! Stan, so sweet. Like flowers full of beauty and odors, but only for those who stoop and reach in close to catch this prize.
    I love the way you write…

  2. Betsy Cross says:

    I see the light bulb as a necessity; the thing that illuminates our surroundings and shows us doors and windows out of the rooms of our own making or circumstance.

    I pay attention to everything that lights up my heart and trust that a part of it is leading me to a whole.

    “A journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step.”

    You know?

    Over many years there have been passions that have stood the test of time and adversity. They bring more light than anything else. They have been with me forever and are bit by bit uncovered.

    I value and stay true to those things.

    But I’m always trying something new because there are so many missing pieces!!

    • Stan Faryna says:

      In the darkness, a light bulb will serve. I can’t argue with that, Bets. On the other hand, the truth is not always delightful. Nor is goodness easy and without certain sacrifice, habit, and submission to the true. Nor is what is profoundly beautiful, just skin deep.

  3. Stan, finding your passion is so important. I do believe you have found your passion in sharing your wisdom with us. And for that I am very glad.

    My passions, helping others, writing and tech, are bundled nicely in my blog. I have know for a long time about my first two passions, but the third passion had to be invented first before I could discover it.

    I wonder for my oldest daughter who has yet to find her passion. She has many talents, so when she finds her passion the world will be a better place.

    • Stan Faryna says:

      Big hug to you Carolyn.

      That is a powerful and wonderful meditation that you have expressed in this comment. Allow me express it in another way to unleash it’s full beauty:

      The world will be a better place… when you live your passion.

  4. I believe that every individual is born with specific gifts (“passions”) and that some people get sidetracked and never discover their passions/gifts. Those who do follow their hearts and discover and develop their passions are genuinely fulfilled and content.

  5. Hi Stan,

    Thanks for the mention and links here, Sir.

    When you obviously took the time and energy to write such an eloquent comment at my place, I thought it had the power to be very popular post, so glad to see this.

    Again, I appreciate you sharing …
    “the 20+ year vintage pressed from the grapes of passion and purpose.”

    –That’s a vintage Faryna quote. 🙂

  6. Passion and Persistence are the keys to success and, to a degree, to happiness. I believe that Gratitude is the #1 key to Happiness, but having passion for your work and a willingness to be diligent and persistent will bring that part of your life success! We agree, Stan, as we usually do!

Speak from your heart!