Blog Soup: A blog log of a servant triberratus 2011.09.22

Blog soup

I read a lot of blogs. Maybe, too many. I comment on a lot of blog posts. Maybe, too many. If you are a Triberrati, you do too.

A Triberrati is a blogger that stands out in the Triberr community. Triberr is a web app that connects bloggers and helps them to curate each other on Twitter. You can learn all about Triberr by reading any of the following posts about it.

1. Yomar Lopez, How Triberr Changes The Competitive Landscape

2. Stan Faryna, Triberr 1.0, invite-only crack for the in crowd

3. Jason Yormark, Triberr: How I Increased My Reach to Over 300000…

4. Eugene Farber, 9 Marketing Lessons From Triberr

5. The Jack B, What Do Triberr & A Drunk Moose Have In Common

6. Neicole Crepeau, Friday Fives: Tips For Using Triberr

7. Nicole Cook, A Comprehensive Guide to Using Triberr

Earth Date 2011.09.22

Some of the blogs I commented on this week:

1. Social Media Wait Training by Dorien Morin-van Dam

2. 8 Funky Facebook Flips Before f8 2011 by Keri Jaehnig

3. To succeed, Learn To Take Initiative by Paul Morin

4. Dare to Dream Big by Sandra McLeod Humphrey

5. Episode Zero by Yomar Lopez and James St. John

6. Allocating Equity In Startups Shooting For Acquisition by Michael Wolfe

7. Reality Detached Human Beings in 2011

8. Rob Hopkins: Making The Red Pill Taste Good by Chris Martenson

9. Be Part Of My Community by Jack

10. The Blessing of Rejection by Erin Feldman

11. Dream Destroyer by Janet Callaway

12. 3 Reasons You’re Scared to Link to Fellow Bloggers by Tim Soulo

13. Is that Your Favorite Hat, Mister? by John Magnet Bell

14. Don’t Blog About God by Amberr Meadows


15. The Versatile Blogger Award, Alaska Chick, an Honor and Surprise by Amber-Lee Dibble

Moveable Feasts, Scooby Snacks, Etc.

1. Social Media Wait Training by Dorien Morin-van Dam

Dorien explains that Wait Training is about taking “the time to figure out where you want to go, what you need to do to get there, and how long it will take you.”

My comment:

Patience, indeed, is a virtue. And for good reason. The harvest comes in its own season. Patience is a priority when you do social media.

Just be sure that the results you wait upon will bear fruit according to your expectations. Too often, the expectations of those building a social media strategy are, unfortunately, unrealistic.

2. 8 Funky Facebook Flips Before f8 2011 by Keri Jaehnig

Facebook’s rash and rushed update to prove it’s continued relevance as a social media platform took many by surprise. Keri notes eight updates that you may like. Unfortunately, dislike remains out of the question.

My comment:

The new subscribe feature now means that you can effectively broadcast to people who are not your friends. In other words, you don’t have to make friends with people in order for them to subscribe and follow you. Now, you can be an asshole, have your cake, and you can eat it too! Like a buddy of mine likes to say.

This is so Marky Zuckerberg.

Now we can answer Mark’s question at the end of the movie, The Social Network. Yes, Mark, you are a Grade A asshole. And you want the world to be just like you. [grin]

3. To succeed, Learn To Take Initiative by Paul Morin

Success, by any definition, Paul writes, demands goals, initiative, and doing whatever it takes to achieve them.

My comment:

Yes, Paul, success by any popular definition does mean you have to do whatever it takes to achieve success.

Been there. Done that. Millions of dollars and all the perks. But I have repented. I have asked God for forgiveness. There is no amount of money, fame, or power that can compare to the happiness of God’s peace.

I understand that your emphasis is not on doing whatever it takes – just doing it. Your emphasis is on moving forward despite the risks and fears, taking responsibility for your decisions and indecisions, and charting courses that others would never dare to launch upon.

Thanks for reminding me that the factors of success are not all about the wrong things.

4. Dare to Dream Big by Sandra McLeod Humphrey

Sandra gets us into the life, struggle, passion, and triumph of one of the greatest poets of our time.

My comment:

WOW! I love this blog post.

One of my favorite poems by Maya Angelou is Still I Rise.

You may write me down in history

With your bitter, twisted lies,

You may trod me in the very dirt

But still, like dust, I’ll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?

Why are you beset with gloom?

‘Cause I walk like I’ve got oil wells

Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,

With the certainty of tides,

Just like hopes springing high,

Still I’ll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?

Bowed head and lowered eyes?

Shoulders falling down like teardrops.

Weakened by my soulful cries.

Does my haughtiness offend you?

Don’t you take it awful hard

‘Cause I laugh like I’ve got gold mines

Diggin’ in my own back yard.

You may shoot me with your words,

You may cut me with your eyes,

You may kill me with your hatefulness,

But still, like air, I’ll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?

Does it come as a surprise

That I dance like I’ve got diamonds

At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history’s shame

I rise

Up from a past that’s rooted in pain

I rise

I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide,

Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.

Leaving behind nights of terror and fear

I rise

Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear

I rise

Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,

I am the dream and the hope of the slave.

I rise

I rise

I rise.

5. Episode Zero by Yomar Lopez and James St. John

Yomar and James are doing the not just another business podcast (NJAB). These guys are a lot of fun. They keep it real. They want to re-humanize online business, marketing, and communities. I want me some of that.

Among other things, Yomar Lopez and James St. John talk about Klout (doesn’t everyone?!) and Yomar’s surprising thought leadership about Pokemon.

My comment:

Pikachu forever, dudes. And be excellent!

6. Allocating Equity In Startups Shooting For Acquisition by Michael Wolfe

Michael Wolfe asks tough questions about getting the formula right for employee equity in the start up.

My comment:

You raise some interesting questions. Are these questions relevant only for the American start up?

In Eastern Europe for example, employees want handsome salaries now. They want to see money today – not tomorrow. Because they believe in now. They don’t believe in six months from now. Talk about two years from now would end in in a LOUD round of ROFLs.

7. Reality Detached Human Beings in 2011

I received this link from the inimitable Mr. Celan via email. Just saying.

My comment:

Mr. Celan recently tweeted the following:

If you are as south as Georgia or Paris and you see the aurora borealis in the sky, that’s a bad thing. Just saying.

8. Rob Hopkins: Making The Red Pill Taste Good by Chris Martenson

This is a fascinating narrative of a man that gets towns to embrace change, resiliency, and empowerment.

Says Hopkins:

The stories that we tell ourselves determine the decisions we make. Transition is all about providing new stories that help people come to terms with pressing issues from a positive angle. “When we started Transition,” Rob reflects, “I imagined it was an environmental process. But increasingly I think of it as a cultural process. It starts to become this story that the town tells about itself.”

My comment:

Listen to the interview:

9. Be Part Of My Community by Jack

Jack gets a little inspiration from Count Basie, Bertrand Russel, and Emily Dickinson. Jack reminds himself to be himself, do what he does, have some fun, and that’s how Jack blogs.

My comment:

Spitting on rainbows and killing unicorns? Where’s the gory, heart-breaking details, Jack?

Actually, I have some unicorn slaying at the end of this blog post. Maybe it will satisfy the blood-thirsty idols.

10. The Blessing of Rejection by Erin Feldman

Erin’s guest post at Bill Dorman’s blog is about poetry, rejection, and trying. Again and again.

My comment:

Erin’s post touches my heart. The dark side of my heart. I too quickly remember the rejection letters I got for my poetry. It was long ago.

I deleted my poetry off my computer. Then I took out the trash. This was right after I taped the 30th rejection letter to the wall. The poetry rejection letters were not alone; they were right next to 100 rejection letters for writing.

The world has been spared 100 sonnets that have been erased from all time and space – and they are now, never were.

My favorite rejection letter for writing was from Playboy. It started out with the sagely advice that I need to stop reading Foucault and Aquinas and that if I go out and get laid, everything will be better.

I’ve done some cool things since then. Made millions and millions for other people. Saved millions and millions for other people. I even had the opportunity to put millions and millions in my bank account. And, yeah, I could have bought myself the elusive Ferrari that I’ve always wanted.

But the timing and accomplishments were never aligned to how I wanted things to happen. There were always other people whose needs were more urgent than my wildest fantasies.

More importantly than financials, I’ve helped people. That fuels me. Almost.

I harmed and disappointed people too. That haunts me and it makes me sad.

Anyway, I’ve just given myself a rejection letter. I’m not sure what happens next. That’s after I print it out and put it on the wall.

11. Dream Destroyer by Janet Callaway

Procrastination is the enemy. It is everybody’s enemy. Don’t let it stand in your way.

My  comment:

This post got me thinking about the facilities of procrastination. The things we do in procrastination.

I wonder if we take away the facilities of procrastination, will procrastination be left with nothing to distract us from our purposes and intentions?

Perhaps, it’s time to put away the toys.

Marcus’ comment also gives me things to think about. Why do we need to “feel” like doing what we know must be done?!

12. 3 Reasons You’re Scared to Link to Fellow Bloggers By Tim Soulo

Tim gives three thoughtful reasons why you should stop scrooging people on the links. I agree.

My comment:

You should come over to my place for the blog soup. I give links like I give love. Generously!

Blog Soup 2011.09.22
Blog Soup 2011.10.06

Beyond blog soup, I encourage my commentors to include links, videos, etc. in their comment. AND a link to their blog, etc. as a signature. 

Honestly, I wonder about the people who don’t give link love. Or who delete links from comments. Sure, spam is another matter completely. And Yomar Lopez and I discuss what is spam on Saul Fleischman’s blog.

13. Is that Your Favorite Hat, Mister? by John Magnet Bell

Bell wants to inspire you. He wants to start your novel. He’s even willing to give you a phrase, a starting point, and often something to help you unleash your weird.

My comment:

“The sea was angry silver.”

Love that color! Love it!

14. Don’t Blog About God by Amberr Meadows

Recently, someone informed Amberr that she should “never blog about God, religion, politics… because it wouldn’t attract readers.”
Amberr responds:

“Although I don’t attend church… [I feel] sad that God has been taken out of the schools, institutions, and daily conversation, and I’m not going to eliminate him from my life or my blog.”

My comment:

Blog about what matters to you. Blog about the things that you feel strongly about. Because your blog is about you. And no one knows better what is good for you than you. Unless you’re crazy. But if that, it really doesn’t matter what the world thinks. [grin]

God bless you, Amberr.


15. The Versatile Blogger Award, Alaska Chick, an Honor and Surprise by Amber-Lee Dibble



Bill Dorman honored Amber-Lee with a Versatile Blogger Award. Amber-Lee responds with a long list of her favorite bloggers.

My comment:

Congratulations Amber-Lee! You deserve this and much more. You’re not just something special; you are a shooting star!

Stan Faryna
22 September 2011
Bucharest, Romania

P.S. Your $5 can make a difference. If you can get 10 of your friends to give $5 too, you will make an even bigger difference. Please help Nisha to help others.

Faryna Podcasts recently produced by Adrian Klein:

1. Why do I blog: Faryna Podcast EP1

2. If Tomorrow Was Your Last Day: Faryna Podcast EP2

3. Money Can’t Buy Happiness: Faryna Podcast EP3

4. The First Duty of Love is to Listen: Faryna Podcast EP4

5. Are You Ready for Love? Faryna Podcast EP5

6. Reading The Desiderata. Faryna Podcast EP6

7. What is Love? Faryna Podcast EP7

8. Confessions of a Freak-Geek-Misfit. Faryna Podcast EP8

9. Do you love strongly? Faryna Podcast EP9

10. Empty-handed, Less Traveled Roads. Faryna Podcast EP10

11. The Economics of Friendship. Faryna Podcast EP11

12. Do Not Be Afraid. Faryna Podcast EP12

Note: If you want to make a professional podcast out of your blog post, get in touch with Adrian Klein on Twitter or Facebook.

20 Responses to Blog Soup: A blog log of a servant triberratus 2011.09.22

  1. Betsy Cross says:


    Because I’m probably missing the real point of this post, I guess I’ll just say that I liked the same line on Jack’s post “spitting on rainbows and killing unicorns”. So stupid it made me laugh. I still giggle when I picture it. He has a great way with words. I had to look up “defenestrate” from one of his posts. Killed me when I saw the definition!
    I was reading this morning and let out an, “Aghhh!!” Everyone looked at me.”What?” they wanted to know. “I hate big words! I keep having to look ’em up!” I read a lot…and a lot goes over my head and under my feet, and..HAH!.. sometimes, if I’m in a mood, are defenestrated with the dictionary!


    • Stan Faryna says:

      I have no idea what defenestrated means, Betsy. Jack is cool like that. [wink]

      I undertook this post in service to the little bloggers. And then I added a few not so little bloggers.

      Soup is like that. It’s a moveable feast for humble pedestrians such as myself.

      I appreciate you, Betsy.

  2. Glad to see you again Stan.

    Wow, some great blogs there! Thanks for sharing those with us. A few I haven’t seen yet but I do understand about connecting with others through Triberr. I have found it to be overall a great place to be among some really awesome bloggers. For the most part! 🙂

    I also LOVE this song so that was really nice of you to include his video on your post. I’m sure he appreciates you sharing it as well. Just beautiful!

  3. Stan, it is always a pleasure to visit your cyber home. it looks like you have provided smoe very fine posts to go visit. I hope you are doing well.

  4. billdorman says:

    Hey Stan, I saw you pingback on Erin’s GP, but your comment is not showing up. I think my site might be acting up because I saw that Adam Patorek commented too and it’s not showing up either.

    Oh well, I’m not sure what is up with that.

    I’ll definitely have to check some of these others out; hope all is well with you my friend.

  5. Stan, you don’t just leave comments, you leave thoughts, insights and profound sentiments. I know when you leave a comment on a blog, it will be a gem.

    Your favorite comment that I read was on Bill Dorman’s blog post I’ve Been Kicked Out of My House You discussed the point of blogging is to help others. You pointed out that if you are helping others, then blogging is worthwhile. Your quote that stuck with me: “Or are you building beautiful sand castles at the sea shore?”

    Thank you for sharing that insight which I have carried with me since I read it. And the amazing video on this blog. That is one of my favorite songs, wonderfully performed.

    Defenestration is a great word, but so seldom is it needed.

    • Stan Faryna says:

      I’ve missed you Carolyn. You’ve been so busy. Back from holiday and lots of catch up. I understand.

      And Amber-Lee is out hunting grizzlies – amidst the wolves and the ever shortening days!

      I am reminded of some bad haiku I wrote some years ago.

      afraid to grow, meditation eight, 2008

      B twenty concrete
      cannot support skyscrappers –
      neither oak nor pine.

  6. Hi Stan,

    I guess I didn’t see your comment on my guest post, either. Hmm. That’s unfortunate because I enjoyed reading it. The dark side of your heart? I think my poetry often explores the darker side of things. I like that about my poetry – it’s not afraid to explore some of the scarier things. I haven’t started taping rejection letters to the wall. I’ve heard of writers and artists doing that and creating works of art from them, but I don’t think that’s something I’d want to do. Are you still writing poetry? It sounded as though you quit, but I wasn’t sure. Have you ever read C.K. Williams’ “Elegy for an Artist”? It’s a poem that somewhat relates to the idea of trying and trying again. It also could be my brain making free associations. I also think of Rumi’s poem about dancing despite happiness or sadness. I don’t think that poem has a title.


    • Stan Faryna says:

      Big hug to you, Erin!

      You should share some of your poetry with us (right here). Or just with me by email- if you’re shy.


      I only wrote one more sonnet in my life. It is in a wedding guest book belonging to friends I have not seen for almost 20 years.

      There was some free ranging verse I wrote in wooing my ex-wife. Later a poetry-slash-song for an impending divorce. I wrote that in large font across our bedroom wall with a Sharpie permanent marker. My signature made John Hancock blush.

      It took three coats of latex paint to cover it up – so she complained. [grin]

      I have flirted with haiku. But I will not try to get poetry published again. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try again and again!

      Here’s a glimpse of my Bucharest:

      The public funeral of an unknown hero, 2001

      Dog dead in the street
      taking a quick, little nap.
      A drunk old man.

  7. Your blog abounds with great profundity (I love that word)–visiting your blog is like a “happening!” I could spend hours just absorbing it all–love your blog!

    • Stan Faryna says:

      Big hug to you Sandra!

      It is amazing to me that someone of average of intelligence such as myself could be considered to be profound by someone as brilliant as you.

      Thank you for the encouragement, Sandra. A million, gazillion thank yous.

  8. Stan,
    I am speaking from my heart when I say; a big thank yo hug to you for featuring and commenting on my recent post Social Media Wait training –

    My question to you (and remember it’s late here…) what part of the soup am I? 😉

    I am the base stock, the veggie, the meat or the fresh herbs?

    Would love to know…and I am sure you have it all figured out.

    Now I am hungry. Thanks again for being who you are.

    • Stan Faryna says:

      Big hug to you Dorien!

      I made chicken soup, today. Home-made chicken stock, a whole chicken, and one glass of chilled, home-made white wine for me…

      Carrots, bell peppers, and onions.

      Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.

      Fresh parsley…

  9. Stan,

    I’m honored to be included on the list of blogs where you read and comment!

    The list mentioned above includes some home-run hitters — thank you for your wonderful mention!!

    Your words are always genuine, and I am motivated by your ability to always convey something inspirational and insightful.

    Thank you, Stan, for your kind mention, and for shining some light in my corner of the Internet!!!


  10. hey Stan! thanks for the mention and the link! 🙂
    seems you’re definitely not one of those guys that are afraid to link out! 🙂

    and besides, you seem to understand the benefits of this practice 🙂 lol

    cheers, mate! 🙂

  11. […] remains relevant. Triberr inspired blog soup! I also have faith that Dino and Dan will tune it to a higher relevance. There will be ups and […]

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